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Aftermarket cables for Sennheiser HD600/650 series headphones

The headphone cable aftermarket is particularly infected by "audio jewelry": high-price, low-performance items that fail quickly under normal use.

Unfortunately, the in-box cable that comes with a new set of hd600 headphones - while durable - is unpleasant. The matte rubber texture snags on everything and the cable is weirdly stiff.

Yes, you can roll your own if you can get your hands on the 2-prong connectors, but I can't recommend it. I've bought several different cables of varying prices and success rate, but finally found something decent to recommend.

IHP-35S/3.0M [SENNHEISER HD650専用ヘッドホンリケーブル]

The cables are a little stiff, but the fit and finish is excellent and everything feels professionally done. More importantly, there are no microphonics, which is the main issue with headphone cables that your rando amazon/ebay products are likely to suffer from.

1.3m and 3m, 6.3mm and balanced twin-XLR versions. These appear to be discontinued (date from 2014, not listed on the ADL web site), so get-em-while-you-can.


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