F5 power amplifier

F4 are going in the fridge, lets wait for the F5. Where will this end ? on my apple keyboard there are 16 "F" keys.:smash:
How large must i cut the heat sinks ?


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Cro Magnon supplanted Neanderthal roughly ten to fifteen thousand years ago. If you ask someone to define 'caveman' they will generally give you a pretty accurate portrayal of a Neanderthal. Somehow, in their view, Cro Magnon managed to skip all that uncomfortable cave-dwelling stuff and moved directly into sky scrapers. (Where the Cro Magons lived while they were building that first generation of sky scrapers, deponent sayeth not.)
We are Cro Magnon, and yea verily we are cavemen. We just happen to wear cotton and synthetics instead of animal skins. (Okay, maybe you're wearing leather shoes...work with me, here, okay?)
To the extent that you're a bona fide caveman, I hereby pronounce you capable of building the circuit. You're not just a caveman...you're an advanced caveman.
Just be glad you're not having to solder using a burning stick fresh from the campfire. After all, we have made a little progress.

Formerly "jh6you". R.I.P.
Joined 2006
despotic931 said:
Geez, I'm all new to this, spend all my free time reading about the F4, and now here is the F5! Which is the easiest "F" for someone who is just a beginner to build?

I will build F4 in the F4 thread while will build F5 here.
I believe these two have almost the same complexity of the construction to the beginners, but with the different results: F4 0dB gain, F5 15.2(?)dB gain.

O, I didn't build F5 yet. But, my estimation of the complexity of
F5 is possible based on the similar project I have built . . .
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
kind soul felt sorry to poor serbie , and sent me scan of article ..... :clown:

nice little amp ;

in fact - boiled water ...... but with touch of divine ;)

once more from Papa - beauty is in details

greedy boyz - feel scare!

Papa have more amps in his head than joints ..... :rofl:


and - yes - I'll not build it ........ :cool: