MOSFETs for Zen amp

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I am certainly no expert on this matter but a little while ago I was seeking advice on the very same thing. Unfortunately the 2SK135/2SJ50 mosfets only have Id currents of 8/-8 Amps. I believe Nelson calls for a 12A minimum requirement in his article. I think the minimum requirement is as follows

Voltage > 40V
Current > 12A
Power > 125W

The voltage requirement in the original article was 100V (I think). I have read elsewhere on several occasions that lowering the mosfet voltage improves distortion figures.

I don't know of the effects of running fets in parallel in the ZEN circuit, sorry.

The information I was able to dredge up on these devices ( is:

Voltage: 160V
Current: 7A
Power: 100W

I saw the comment about lower voltage MOSFETS improving the sound (ZEN Revisited). This was in reference to the IRFP140/240 devices. The reason cited was that the lower voltage units had a higher transconductance (IRFP140 - 14, IRFP240 - 10). Unfortunately, I don't know the transconductance for the 2SK135/2SJ50 devices. I think this would be the primary determining factor in how well they'd work in a ZEN amp.

Oh well, maybe I can use these as the output stage for a BIG poweramp for a subwoofer.
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