Welcome to the new diyAudio platform - feedback wanted!

diyAudio Moderator
Joined 2008
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the last post
Screenshot from 2023-02-13 20-51-33.png
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The lack of a quote button on the last post is by design to stop unnecessary long quotes of what has just gone before. You can still easily quote any relevant bit or bits to answer in detail though.

As has just been explained :)
Occasionally (not always) I miss this button also in the penultimate post. Can this be related to the fact that two or more posts are created at the same time in these moments ?

And now yet an other question:
In the new platform is to read the following in a lot of threads:
This old topic is closed. If you want to reopen this topic, contact a moderator using the "Report Post" button.
One could also start a new thread instead (I think, that is what is done in most cases).

According the rules under the old platform, one should first check whether a thread already exists on the same topic in order not to unnecessarily increase the number of threads on the same topic.

1) What are the benefits of closing older topics in this new platform ?
2) Where is the "Report Post" button ? I don't find it. Or is it the " ! Report " button below the last post ?
2) Which is preferable: start a new thread or contact the moderator to reopen the old topic

Here an example: Under
I want to upload new inside images for a new bass enclosure construction for Focal's Audiom 15AX - which is still in progress.
I would like to upload it here so as not to start a new thread.

Thank you very much for your reply.
Joined 2004
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If a thread is so old that it is auto-locked, then one should consider a new thread. However if, after all those years, you need to add something important and on topic to the thread you simply ask the moderation team and we will review it. Once the thread is reopened it will resume its normal life.
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I don't like starting new threads about something that already has one. Why use two threads for the same thing?

Just because something is old does not mean it should be abandoned. A bit like tubes. Sometimes the old stuff is the good stuff.

Scattering the information across different threads makes it hard to find stuff. Also, posting to a new thread will not alert those interested on the subject on the old thread. This makes it hard to get the discussion going.
The flip side is that when threads get very long they become hard to follow.
Probably the case for new comers to a thread. However, it should not be a problem if the Search function could work better. I have raised this with Jason long ago. The problem is that search results are ordered and listed according to "relevance". And unfortunately the software decides the relevance. If the results were ordered chronologically it would be easier to follow the posts and discussions. It would be like a subset of the thread, but focussed on the search subject.
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Joined 2000
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Regards threads showing a warning (1.5 years), and being auto-closed (3 years) I think it's a fine idea. However I personally think the timings for cold and frozen threads could be relaxed, and the wording / help text could be improved, and re-opening an auto-closed thread should be made easier.

Search results by date - that's a good one, I am going to put it to the top of the todo list.

All these matters are presently on hold while I am busy replacing the store's back-end systems, as a lack of good systems there is currently consuming too much of my focus. Once that's done, the forum will get another round of improvements and these issues can be reviewed.

Thanks as ever for your feedback, it's always appreciated.
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Probably the case for new comers to a thread. However, it should not be a problem if the Search function could work better.
Yeah, from the get-go I've relied on net search engines to find what I want regardless of time/forum and I not only quickly find most/all of what I'm looking for plus a lot more of related interest, good hints on how to fine tune the search if need be.
No, I'm afraid not. The Search and Advanced search options are two different beasts.
You are correct to point out that there is a "Order by Date" option under the Advanced search function. However, under the Advanced search function you cannot search within a particular thread.
What I am asking for, if possible, is that the plain Search function will return results in Date or Post # order.
Hope it makes sense.