What Ya Bringing to Burning Amp 2018?

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Joined 2009
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...just a quick note to all you out-of-towners to express appreciation for the time, effort and money you're spending to come to BAF'18.....THANKS!

You're welcome. Thank you for organizing the event.

Same problem you and Tom are facing, flying, trying to keep the number of suitcases down!!

Any advice for how to deal with TSA or should I not even attempt to carry on an amp? Stereo equipment is not on their "forbidden items list" that I can tell... In the past, I've always been able to stuff any items that would attract attention on an Xray into my checked luggage, so I'm asking out of inexperience here. When I used to travel with lots of camera gear, I would get various levels suspicion from the TSA, but it's my impression that they've calmed down a bit since then. I'm just not quite sure what to expect, that's all.

Hi Tom, interesting that you should bring that up as I'm just now building a couple of semi-sacrificial styrofoam cases for my Thomas Mayer monoblocks.

I've had no issues so far with bringing amps in carryon luggage aboard commercial flights - even with tube gear. The key, I think, is to be totally up front during the screening process by letting them know you have something that might pique their "interest". Tell them beforehand what it is, and take it out of your luggage if necessary so they can have a better look.

One way to make the process easier is to pack strategically. Last year I built a styrofoam case for an RH84 out of blue sheet insulation reinforced with "Gorilla Tape". It had a lid that covered the top and transformers completely, yet was easily removed to allow the TSA guys to see that what was underneath was more a piece of furniture than anything else. I didn't even have to take it out of my bag; it just cruised through the x-ray with the flap open.

Your mileage may vary, of course - but just be forward about it all and you should be all right. One thing's certain; they'll know it's not an iPad! ;)

Glad you can make it, btw.
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Joined 2009
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I've had no issues so far with bringing amps in carryon luggage aboard commercial flights - even with tube gear.

Cool! That's good to hear.

The key, I think, is to be totally up front during the screening process by letting them know you have something that might pique their "interest". Tell them beforehand what it is, and take it out of your luggage if necessary so they can have a better look.

That's a good idea. A simple, "hey... I have a piece of stereo gear with me that might look interesting to you. I'll be happy to show and tell if you'd like me to." probably goes a long way. I generally being pretty far by being friendly to people anyway.

Glad you can make it, btw.

Thank you. I'm looking forward to it.

Giving away all remaining stock of Cheapomodo V.2 PCBs.

Giving away three fully assembled, working and tested, RingNot power supplies. These are ±28V @ 4 amps max. One RingNot board comfortably powers two channels of LM3886 chipamps.


I could use one of those PSUs!

For anybody interested in bringing LM4780 or LM3886 PCBs, I've got a bunch of Genuine TI chips I'll be bringing along for the raffle, maybe we could meet up and bundle them together?

So, dug out some stuff from my stash for the raffle. So far-

LM4780TA in three packs of four, and one pack of five.

LM3886T, two packs of six

Two Chatham 6336A dual triode, would be killer SE tubes!

Anybody planning to bring PCBs for the raffle? Maybe I could give the chips to bundle up with boards?

Still need to get into another bin for some more stuff, but it's a start I suppose.
Joined 2010
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- Metronome Tribute for Alpair 10.3M
- Dynaco A26
- Woden Bloodhound mini-lab for Alpair 5.2.


- Pass ACA 1.6
- NAD3020D and Sure mini-amp just in case there are not enough amps!


- iPhone, iPad, and Dragonfly Red DAC
I'll be bringing my bridged ACA 1.0/1.1 with an Neruochrome THAT driver preamp. Source will be an RPi 3B+ with an Allo BossDac. This year I'll have my Studio 2 Pi speakers. (Last year I had the Studio 1 Pi's in the mosaic tiled cabs.) Primary new item is the Not-So-Bright passive line-level filter box that is a nice trimmer for OB speakers and midrange-forward systems. It also trims nicely in baffle step situations.

Hey All,

I'm very psyched for Sunday and thanks for everything you're doing (travel, expenses, builds, WAF accommodations, etc) to participate.

We're all very focused on our amps and speakers but let's not forget signal source (wax cylinder, Victrola, 8-track, etc), interconnect cables, speaker cables and AC extension cords/power strips).

Let's have some fun Sunday!
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